This month (October 2019),  Daewoong-UI Biotechnology Research center has held education program event for Daewoong Foundation scholarship awardee from Universitas Indonesia and Institut Teknologi Bandung. This event is a sequence of Daewoong Foundation Scholarship program as contribution from Daewoong for student’s education and to strengthen the cooperative relationship between Daewoong and recipient universities. The event raised a theme on Biosimilar because of its high interest from biopharmaceutical industry

This event consisted of two main event. On the first day, Thursday 10th October 2019, Daewoong created a seminar,  entitled “Embracing Biosimilar for Global Health Improvement; The Critical Point of Biosimilar”. This seminar was attended by around 25 students from several majors of Universitas Indonesia and took place in Daewoong Bio Technology Research Centre, Universitas Indonesia. The seminar consisted of 2 session. In the first session, Mr Lee Eui Nam, as Head of Researcher DW-UI explained about introduction of biosimilar. In the second session, the presentation is presented by Mr. Dhaval Patel, as Business Development Specialist of Waters Pacific Pte Ltd, one of well-known company in pharmaceutical field. Mr Dhaval Patel explained about Analytical Method Development in Biopharmaceutical using HPLC to LC-MS instruments. After all presentation finished, there were discussion between students and speakers. The discussion between the students and the speakers was very interactive and fun. The students actively asked questions about the topic presented by the speakers. For ITB awardees, Daewoong created a webinar that can be joined by awardees via online application. The purpose was to assure the ITB awardees could still join the program and get full-benefit of material presented by speakers in this seminar. The next day on Friday 11th October 2019, workshop session was held and attended by 34 students of Universitas Indonesia. The workshop was divided into 2 sessions. In the first session, the awardees were given the opportunity to conduct laboratory hands-on directly under the supervision of research and development officer as mentor. They learned Ultrafiltration-Diafiltration process for protein using simple microconcentrator to Lab-Scale TFF instrument, and HPLC analysis using Reverse Phase to Size Exclusion Chromatography methods. The awardees were full of excitement doing the laboratory works and most of them actively asked the question about the topic. They showed high curiosity about the instrument that was being explained by the mentors.

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