Daewoong Foundation Charity Event 2019

To show Daewoong’s seriousness in providing the best for the people of Indonesia, Daewoong Pharmaceutical, together with Daewoong Foundation and CGBio, a Daewoong affiliated company, held a medical charity activities, as a form of collaboration between Daewoong and the Jakarta Fire Department involving collaboration of doctors from Indonesia to treat burns and spine injuries, on 24-25 October 2019. It is a form of Daewoong support to ensure Jakarta firefighters can do their job as best as they can.

PT. Daewoong Pharmaceutical Company Indonesia

27th Floor UOB Plaza Thamrin Nine, MH Thamrin No. 10, Jakarta 10230, Indonesia.

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T. +62.2130482266  F. +62.2130482269