10000 April 2019 - Daewoong Indonesia
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▲ Daewoong Pharmaceutical Company Indonesia announced on 22th that it acquired a license to sell ‘AccuraDtect’ SARS-COV-2 RT-qPCR Kit, a molecular test kit for COVID-19 in Indonesia. – Plan to supply ‘AccuraDtect,’ the COVID-19 test kit with CE-IVD certification acquired from Europe to Indonesia– Enable to produce results within 4 hours after sample collection…Expecting to strengthen responsiveness to COVID-19 Daewoong Pharmaceutical Company Indonesia (hereinafte…
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▲.Daewoong Infion, a joint venture between the Korean pharmaceutical company, Daewoong Pharmaceutical, and Indonesian pharmaceutical company, Infion, donated personal protective equipment (PPE) for the COVID-19 clinical research to the clinical hospital on the 13th. – Joint ventures search for a breakthrough point of the economic crisis brought by the COVID-19 pandemic with localization strategy– Daewoong Infion’s contribution towards the local pharmaceutical industry through…
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▲ Daewoong Infion, a joint venture of South Korean pharmaceutical company Daewoong Group in Indonesia, held a kick-off meeting with RSUP Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo to initiate the study of DW-MSC for COVID-19 treatment. – Active initiation of COVID-19 treatment development based on ‘DW-MSC,’ an independent technology amplifying stem cell’s effects – Looking forward to the innovative contribution to treat incurable bone defect diseases with ‘Novosis,’ a bone-formin…
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– Accelerated development with approval of clinical trials in Korea on the 8th… Phase 1 clinical trials of COVID-19 drug go smoothly in India and the Philippines – Aim to apply for Accelerated Approval and Emergency Use Authorization after planning to enter multi-national Phase 2 and 3 clinical trials and securing results of Phase 2 clinical trials within this year – Confirmed a mortality rate of 0% and the effect of improving clinical symptoms even in the influenz…
To show Daewoong’s seriousness in providing the best for the people of Indonesia, Daewoong Pharmaceutical, together with Daewoong Foundation and CGBio, a Daewoong affiliated company, held a medical charity activities, as a form of collaboration between Daewoong and the Jakarta Fire Department involving collaboration of doctors from Indonesia to treat burns and spine injuries, on 24-25 October 2019. It is a form of Daewoong support to ensure Jakarta firefighters can do their job as best as they…
This month (October 2019),  Daewoong-UI Biotechnology Research center has held education program event for Daewoong Foundation scholarship awardee from Universitas Indonesia and Institut Teknologi Bandung. This event is a sequence of Daewoong Foundation Scholarship program as contribution from Daewoong for student’s education and to strengthen the cooperative relationship between Daewoong and recipient universities. The event raised a theme on Biosimilar because of its high interest from …
Picture 1. Nabota booth at IMCAS Bali 2019 IMCAS Bali 2019 IMCAS (International Master Course on Aging Sciences) is dedicated to achieving the highest quality of teaching through the interface of plastic surgery and dermatology. IMCAS has become one of the most important international courses dedicated to aging skin treatments.  There are 104 scientific sessions covering the most recent developments in 15 key themes, which include face, breast & body surgery, cli…
Picture 1. Participant doctors from Indonesia with dr. Matt Stefanelli iClass Anatomy iClass Anatomy is dedicated to the teaching of relevant clinical anatomy for invasive & non-invasive aesthetic procedures. iClass Anatomy runs cadaver course, video anatomy, live injections course and 1-to-1 trainings worldwide. It was #5th iClass Cadaver Course in Thailand, and the 2nd time for Daewoong Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd made this event. It was held on August 13-14th, 2019 at S…
In addition to help improve the quality of health of the Indonesian people, Daewoong has also taken active steps to advance Indonesian education. Through the Daewoong Foundation, this was realized by providing a total scholarship worth USD 55,000 to outstanding students who were studying at the University of Indonesia (UI) and the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB). The selection of the scholarship program was conducted in April 2019 with a series of stages, first file selection (applicat…
In the beginning of 2019, CG Bio Co., Ltd., a global Bio company is accelerating its overseas expansion. On last February 15th, CG Bio Co., Ltd., through PT Daewoong Pharmaceutical Company Indonesia which manages medical devices business in Indonesia had signing a distribution agreement for bone graft material products with PT Kalbe Farma, No. 1 pharmaceutical company in Indonesia. This agreement with total amount around 20 billion won (equals ± 250,6 billion rupiah) is as a stepping stone t…

PT. Daewoong Pharmaceutical Company Indonesia

27th Floor UOB Plaza Thamrin Nine, MH Thamrin No. 10, Jakarta 10230, Indonesia.

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T. +62.2130482266  F. +62.2130482269